Sanctity is not for a privileged few. The Lord calls all of us. He expects love from all of us—from everyone, wherever they are; from everyone, whatever their state in life, their profession or job. For the daily life we live, apparently so ordinary, can be a path to sanctity: it is not necessary to abandon one’s place in the world in order to search for God…because all the paths of the earth can be the occasion for an encounter with Christ.
— St. Josemaria Escriva, Letter 1930

Opus Dei is a Catholic institution founded in 1928 by St. Josemaría Escrivá (pictured above). Opus Dei's name is Latin for "Work of God." Its mission is to help people turn their work and daily activities into occasions for growing closer to God, serving others, and improving society. 

Today, a personal Prelature of the Catholic Church, Opus Dei helps ordinary lay people seek holiness in and through their everyday activities, especially through work. Opus Dei complements the work of local churches by offering classes, talks, retreats, and pastoral care that helps people develop their personal spiritual life. 

Use the buttons below to learn more about St. Josemaria, His Teachings and Opus Dei.

The current Prelate of Opus Dei is Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz.

The Prelate has the responsibility of governing Opus Dei. He guides Opus Dei's mission of spreading the universal call to sanctity and spurs forward the apostolic efforts of the Prelature's faithful.  

You can read pastoral letters and messages from the Prelate here.